10 Words


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Social Media and Getting Into a Good School (Or Not)

      The New York Times article "They loved your GPA, then they saw your Tweets" talks about how making bad choices with what you post online can affect the way colleges and jobs will consider your application. The article said that 31% of college admission officers go through applicants' social media, looking for things they don't want.

      It was surprising to find out that of those same officers, 30% said they discovered information that negatively affected an applicant's consideration for admittance. Another fact is that sometimes students get rejected because of things online found by school officials.

      Something that confused me is that the author says the idea of people searching through your online stuff is "chilling", but, i all honesty, no one who posts anything has a right to complain about people seeing their stuff because they are the ones putting it out for people to see, and that's probably what the Terms of Service an Privacy Agreement say, but nobody reads those.

      This last question about how I would change my social media in response to this article doesn't really apply to me. I don't have any social media, and I don't plan to. I also haven't sent any texts in at least 2 months, and the ones I do send are something along the lines of "The bus broke down can you pick me up?". So, no, it really doesn't impact my thinking about social media.

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